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Production image from Herons shows a young boy sitting on a bench, intimidated by two other boys, one clutching a beer bottle.

The Training

We have 3 distinct blocks of study. Block 1 & 2 provide the skills and development tools crucial to working as an actor. During Blocks 1 & 2 there are regular opportunities to share work and perform to audiences, Block 3 is our Create season in rep and allows students the opportunity to perform together, to larger audiences, to work with a creative team and to work as a collaborator with support of the practitioner and Director team, whilst exploring their own artistry.

Production image from Herons shows a young male and young female performer on stage in school uniform.

Block 1

  • The Rehearsal Room
  • Actor as Artist
  • Ensemble development
  • Character from Text
  • Observation & Recall
  • Voice
  • Contemporary text & performance
  • Stage combat
  • Dance & movement for the actor
  • Contact improvisation
  • Physical Theatre text & Performance
  • Actor as a business
Production image from Herons shows a young man clutching a beer bottle whilst another appears scared as he stands behind him.

Block 2

  • Unlocking Shakespeare
  • Voice
  • Classical text & performance
  • Professional development
  • Actor as a business
  • Singing for the actor
  • Vocal and Instrumental showcase
  • Mask and Commedia
  • Acting for screen
  • Self taping & Audio recording
Production image from Herons shows an aggressive young man clutch the face of a young girl in school uniform.

Block 3

  • Improvisation
  • Making Theatre
  • Script Writing
  • Devising
  • Respone Work
  • Working from Text
  • Final major production

Our Create! Season in Rep. begins runs from the spring and into the summer season and allows our actors in training to work with professional artists and directors to develop performances of varying scale for audiences.

Create! One

An opportunity to create group and solo work through song with musical accompaniment from those who feel confident in playing their own instrument.

Vocal and Instrumental showcase

Create! Two

Working in two groups, work is developed and devised over a month in collaboration with a writer or director and shared as works in progress.

Making Theatre

Create! Three

A full scale studio performance which runs for a week at Theatre Royal. The text is selected by and further cast by the Director.

Final Major Production