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A young male and a young female actor look at each other and smile during rehearsals.


Our role is to establish the foundations and rigors of actor training whilst challenging and supporting our students, providing opportunities to progress into further training or into a professional rehearsal room. The course is focused towards giving our students the skills to forge a sustainable pathway or career in the arts.

We nurture collaborative, considerate and thinking actors and instill a level of professionalism in our students from day one. The very nature of such vocational learning allows for playing, exploring and taking risks whilst being immersed in the culture of the rehearsal room in a supportive environment.

A young actor smiles and laughs during rehearsal.

Class Size: Maximum of 18

Term Dates: September – July

Contact Hours: 25 – 40 per week (full-time)

Delivery Days: Monday – Friday

Course Duration: 39 contact weeks (over 46 weeks)

A young actor is rehearsing whilst looking into the eyes of a female performer.

Performance Opportunities: Minimum of 9

Equity Membership: Yes

Spotlight Membership: Yes

Qualification: Project A Diploma

Awarding Body: Newcastle Theatre Royal

Over 90% of our graduates go on to work professionally, gain agent representation or a place at Drama School within 6 months of graduation.

We work with an ensemble focus to ensure that our students are supported as artists, collaborators and makers. We encourage taking ownership of individual, creative development as an actor, helping our students to carve their own process by exposing them to diverse approaches to creating character and work. There is no one size fits all approach to becoming an actor and so we support our students by providing a broad training in traditional and modern day practice, voice and movement.

Attendance and punctuality across the course is compulsory.